What to Know About Huawei’s HMS Core


Huawei Mobile Services is being launched in various markets and countries. The HMS program focuses on partnering with individual developers, educational institutions, and enterprises to utilize Huawei infrastructure to create apps and technological tools. Therefore, HMS will empower developers and provide them unlimited access to free resources that are useful for building apps and innovation. These are some of the things to know about the HMS core.

It is Free for Developers

Ideally, there are no restrictions as to which type of developer can join the platform. Whether you are an established programmer or an upcoming who is passionate and learning about the development of apps, this is the right platform for you.

Also, all app developers get access to HMS capabilities and hms core. The latter is a collection of services for the development, business, and growth. Some of the services include Map Kit, Wallet Kit, Scan Kit, Gaming Kit, and Account Kit. The kits provide developers with access to the HMS ecosystem with a focus on innovation.

Developers Can Create Businesses

The HMS Core platform is built on the idea that developers should generate revenue for their innovation and creativity. For instance, the HMS wallet kit helps facilitate digital payment. Thus, it simplifies in-app purchases and allows users to pay for the apps.

Access Digital Advertising Platform

You should note that Huawei Ads is a digital advertising platform designed to support transactions. In fact, it is a unique advertising system architecture that is dedicated to offering developers to improve their conversion capabilities without compromising on the security of users’ data. Therefore, developers can integrate adds and earn revenue from the ads.

Access to Global Markets

It is estimated that over 700 million people are already using Huawei mobile devices. Therefore, apps developed by programmers are available to users from across the world. With global access, developers have an opportunity to connect with millions of people.

Huawei Provides Developers Support

Developers have access to important resources that include development guides, API reference, and even rewards. Such support structures ensure that developers have more than access to the HMS ecosystem. Moreover, they have adequate support resources that offer guidance when it comes to app development processes.

Privacy Compliance

The HMS platform complies with GDPR, GAPP, and both local regulations and laws. All apps released through the platform will be certified upon release.

Easy Access

The Account kit provides app developers access to apps for various types of devices. Therefore, users can log in to their apps easily and quickly.

Secure Platform

The HMS Core platform has a developer ID verification system with a four-layer security system. Also, developers have the ability to inspect apps even after release and get feedback from users. The four-layer security systems include privacy checks, real-time security checks, vulnerability scanning, and detecting malicious behavior.

If you are a developer, you should consider using HMS to generate revenue while offering value to users of your apps. With the support provided by Huawei, you are bound to succeed in your app development business and increase your income.

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